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SILS Commencement moving to bigger venue in 2020

As many recent graduates are well aware, the UNC School of Information and Library Science (SILS) has outgrown the Great Hall for our School’s graduation ceremony. Each year, the graduating class has grown, limiting the number of guest each participant can bring.

SILS Student Services has worked with the University Events Office to come up with a solution. Starting in May 2020, SILS will hold our ceremony at the Dean E. Smith Center. The new location also means a new day and time for the ceremony. Below are the details so you can begin planning.

Who can participate: Students who will graduate in December 2019, May 2020 and August 2020 will be invited to participate.
Who can attend:  Students can invite as many guests as they want!
When: Thursday, May 7, 2020 / Ceremony will start at 6:00pm
Where: The Dean E. Smith Center

SILS will provide more information as we continue to make the arrangements.


Winter 2019 Commencement

SILS will not host a separate ceremony for winter graduates in December, but we encourage graduating students to take part in the University celebration at 2:00pm on Dec. 15, 2019, at the Dean E. Smith Center. For more details, visit