Alumni Board
SILS Alumni Association
The SILS Alumni Association (SILSAA) Board includes the following elected representatives, as well as ex officio members Jeff Bardzell, SILS dean; Stacy Reynolds, executive assistant; and Ty Cole, chief development officer.
Board Members

Jamin Friday
Immediate Past President of SILS Alumni Board
Degree: BA, Management & Society, Information Systems, 2021
Current Position: Product Development Lead, AARP Services
Volunteer for the SILS Alumni Association Board
Your SILS experience has benefited you in many ways. SILSAA is dedicated to helping foster the same high level of experiences for current and future SILS students and to helping alumni stay connected to and involved in the SILS community. To stay vibrant, the association needs your input and energy. An excellent way to become involved is to join the SILSAA Board. Leadership positions are: president, vice-president/president elect, secretary, treasurer, and communications director. Typically, the offices of vice president/president elect, president, and past president are held by one person over three consecutive years.
To submit your name for the slate of candidates, e-mail the SILSAA president (above).
Organizes and presides over regular meetings of executive board and sets agenda with help from board members; represents SILSAA at campus functions as needed; serves (ex-officio) on the Board of Directors of the UNC General Alumni Association and attends quarterly meetings; speaks to graduating class at spring and winter commencement; presides over general business meetings; presents awards at commencement and events; assists with planning of events and graduation activities; and assists with nomination of new officers.
Vice President/President Elect
Attends monthly SILSAA Board meetings and becomes familiar with the operations of the association by working with the executive board in planning various functions and by assisting the president. The vice president plans events and graduation activities that will engage with alumni and students and assumes the duties of the president in the president’s absence. In the second year, this individual fulfills the duties of president. The individual serving as VP may serve remotely and may coordinate with the executive board on managing on-campus engagement.
Past President
Attends monthly board meetings, offers advice and assistance to the new president and assists the executive board as needed. The past president assists with planning of events.
The treasurer serves a two-year term and assists with keeping financial records of the association. The treasurer’s mission is to assure that funds are managed to optimize the association’s efforts to achieve its goals and fulfill its mission. The treasurer’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to, maintaining a record of event fees and costs; maintaining a record of disbursements; reporting on the financial condition of the association at all board meetings; preparing and delivering to the president, by September 1 of each year, an annual financial report (July I through June 30); consulting with the noard and obtaining its approval for expenditures; and serving on committees and performing other duties as requested by the executive board and as deemed necessary for the good of the association.
The secretary records minutes of all board meetings. In addition to distributing minutes and other meeting materials, this SILSAA board member maintains the organization’s files in Google Drive.
Communications Director
The communications director serves a two-year term, focusing on SILSAA’s digital communications with alumni, including email, web presence, and social media. The individual participates in SILSAA board meetings and works closely with SILS’ communications coordinator on relevant projects. May be expected to represent SILSAA at SILS events (depending on location).