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David Gotz discusses data visualization in Focus Carolina segment

David Gotz, Associate Professor at the UNC School of Information and Library Science (SILS) and Assistant Director of the Carolina Health Informatics Program (CHIP), was recently interviewed for WCHL’s Focus Carolina program.

In the radio segment, Gotz discusses how his data visualization research can make an impact in health care and beyond.

“The ultimate output that I hope for here is a set of tools –  informed by our research and evaluated by our studies so we understand how they work and when they work and when they don’t work and what their limitations are – that will allow other people to do their work more effectively,” Gotz explains in the interview.

Click below or follow this link to hear the full segment (link removed) on SoundCloud.

Gotz leads the Visual Analysis and Communications Lab (VACLab) at SILS, where he conducts research related to the study and development of visual methods for information analysis and communication. His work is supported by a variety of public and private funding agencies, including multiple awards from National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health.

SILS Assistant Professor Amelia Gibson and Professor Brian Sturm were featured in previous Focus Carolina segments.