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Joyce L. Ogburn

Professor of Practice


Financial information, Finance and Literacy


Master of Science in Library Science (UNC SILS)
Master of Arts in Anthropology (Indiana University)


Joyce Ogburn is the former University Librarian and Dean of the Marriott Library at the University of Utah and former Dean of libraries and Distinguished Professor at Appalachian State University. Her background and leadership spans academic administration, nonprofit finances, information literacy, scholarly communication, publishing, and innovation. Her volunteer work includes serving as president of the Association of College and Research Libraries, member of the Board of the Center for Research Libraries, and committee memberships in the Association of Research Libraries. She also served as treasurer and is at present co-chair of the investment committee of a community nonprofit.


Financial Information and Literacy


Distinguished Alumna, UNC SILS, 2013


Ogburn, J.L. Closing the Gap between Information Literacy and Scholarly Communication (foreword). In Common Ground at the Nexus of Information Literacy and Scholarly Communication. Edited by Stephanie Davis-Kahl and Merinda Kaye Hensley. Chicago: ACRL, 2013, pp. v-viii.

Mullins, J.L., Murray-Rust, C., Ogburn, J.L., et al. Library Publishing Services: Strategies for Success: Final Research Report. Washington: SPARC, 2012.

Ogburn, J.L. The Imperative for Data Curation. portal: Libraries and the Academy 10 (2): 241-246, 2010.

Ogburn, J.L. Defining and Achieving Success in the Movement to Change Scholarly Communication.  Library Resources and Technical Services 52 (2): 44-53, 2008.