SILS Human Resources
The HR Office at the UNC School of Information and Library Science (SILS) is located in Manning Hall, Room 07A. Feel free to drop by the office for information regarding your employment and any applicable proceedings. For your convenience, we have prepared forms and information in a one-stop shop.
Procedures related to Permanent SHRA and EHRA-NF employee policies fall under the purview of UNC’s Office of Human Resources (OHR), and EHRA Faculty under the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost.
While you are welcome to navigate the sites directly, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the SILS HR Consultant, at for support in reconciling these against your individual needs.
To access your pay information, go to ConnectCarolina and select “Login to ConnectCarolina & InfoPorte (under Faculty, Staff & Affiliates).” Use your onyen to log in, and click on the SelfService tab on the left. Select “View Paycheck” to see or print your most recent paystub. Find a complete payroll checklist here.
Contacts for Student/Employee Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, Violence Complaints
- (EMPLOYEES) UNC Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office
- (ALL) SILS Office of Human Resources, 919-843-8782
- (STUDENTS) Safe at UNC
Additional Training
Opportunities for University students, faculty, and staff
- Safe Zone – Designed to create a network of visible allies to people who identify as part of the diverse LGBTIQA+ community.
- Green Zone – For those who wish to learn more about the military affiliated student experience.
- Carolina Firsts Advocate Training – Provides information on first generation college students at Carolina, and highlights resources available to this specific population.
- HAVEN (Helping Advocates for Violence Ending Now) – Provides students, faculty, and staff with the tools and skills to be an ally to someone who has experienced sexual, interpersonal (relationship) violence, or stalking.
Direct Deposit Forms
Employees should make all direct deposit account changes using the secure Self-Service Direct Deposit option in ConnectCarolina. If there are extenuating circumstances, direct deposit enrollment forms can be accepted in person in the Payroll Services Office. To make a change, complete the direct deposit change form and bring it, along with any applicable documentation and a photo ID, to the Payroll Services office. Questions can be directed to
University Benefits Contact Information
- Benefits –
- SILS Core Benefits Consultant – Keesha Judd
919-962-6222 - SILS Leave Consultant – Angela Easter