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Master’s Degree Programs


The UNC School of Information and Library Science (SILS) offers a variety of degrees and programs that offer rigorous study and personal enrichment at any stage of a students’ academic career. The M.S. in Library Science and M.S. in Information Science programs are highly-customizable, residential programs. Students benefit from mentoring relationships with world-class faculty. The online M.P.S. in Digital Curation and Management prepares students to lead efforts in digital records management in a variety of fields and industries. The M.P.S. in Biomedical and Health Informatics program, offered both online and in person, prepares students for the rapidly-growing field of healthcare data analysis.

Students in all programs receive dedicated advising and career counseling from our experienced Student Services Staff.

Prospective students may make appointments with faculty and staff members to discuss admission requirements, program schedules, and curriculum content. The school office arranges appointments within its normal business hours (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday). To schedule an appointment, email

Explore Master’s Degree Programs



For M.S. in Library Science or Information Science:

Lara BaileyContact Lara Bailey
Graduate Programs Assistant Director or 919-962-7601

For M.P.S. in Biomedical and Health Informatics:

Jenny KaselakContact Jenny Kaselak
Associate Director of Carolina Health Informatics Program (CHIP) or 919-962-8168

For M.P.S. in Digital Curation and Management:

Eleni PapadoyannisContact Eleni Papadoyannis
Doctoral & Special Programs Coordinator