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Info for Current Students


We are making some changes to how we share information with current students. Much of the information that used to be hosted on our site can now be found on Canvas. All enrolled SILS undergraduates, masters, and doctoral students have a SILS Canvas site for their respective program level. These sites are your main source of SILS-specific student information once you are admitted to the program. Contact SILS Student Services with any issues related to access to or content on these sites.

Helpful Resources:

Life at Carolina

Find details on student life as a Tarheel at Life at Carolina.

Booking a Room in Manning Hall

Classrooms and conference rooms can be booked using calendars in Outlook. Visit the SILS ITS website for details.

SILS ITS Resources

Learn about software access, the VR lab, 3D printing, and much more on the SILS ITS webpage.