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Carolina Together Testing Program resources now available

Getting ready for the spring 2021 semester at UNC-Chapel Hill? Be sure to consult the Carolina Together Testing Program website to determine if, when, and how often you need to be tested for COVID-19.

The new testing approach will allow the University to identify cases and trends quickly and contain potential clusters earlier, but it is still crucial to wear a mask, maintain physical distance, and follow the other COVID-19 Community Standards.

Graduate and professional students and post-doctoral fellows are not required to have a test prior to arriving.

Asymptomatic evaluation testing will be required once a week for graduate and professional students and post-doctoral fellows who are coming to campus to teach or to attend in-person classes, or who are living with 10 or more people in the Chapel Hill/Carrboro area.

For all other graduate and professional students and post-doctoral fellows, asymptomatic testing will be available once a week, but not required.

Undergraduate students who are living on campus or in Chapel Hill/Carrboro or are planning to come to campus for classes, participate in on-campus activities, or access on-campus facilities (e.g. Campus Recreation, University Libraries) will be required to participate in Prior to Arrival Testing.

Undergraduate students living on campus or in the Chapel Hill/Carrboro area – regardless of mode of learning – will also be required to complete another test once they arrive. Undergraduates living on campus, in Chapel Hill/ Carrboro, or taking classes in-person will also need to do regular, asymptomatic testing at the Carolina Together Testing Centers.

The Carolina Together Testing Program website offers additional details on testing requirements and testing sites, as well as FAQs, charts, and downloadable resources to help you stay on track.