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Maggie Melo discusses her career path in University of Arizona alumni feature

Marijel (Maggie) Melo, UNC School of Information and Library Science (SILS) Assistant Professor, talks about earning her PhD from the Rhetoric, Composition, and Teaching of English Program at the University of Arizona and how that journey led her to SILS in a recently posted news story by the UofA College of Social and Behavioral Sciences.

Melo’s expertise is innovation, maker culture, and the development of equitable and inclusive collaborative learning spaces in academic libraries. She joined the SILS faculty in the fall of 2018. “We are preparing the next generation of librarians to connect patrons with traditional resources such as books and articles, but also with newer resources such as 3D printers and virtual reality,” Melo says in the profile. “In my capacity, I am teaching up-and-coming librarians how to connect users with their information needs, while also remaining critical of these resources and services.”

Click here to read the full Q&A.

Related Research Areas: Librarianship of the 21st Century