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Bradley M. Hemminger

Associate Professor - Not taking new doctoral students

Bradley M. Hemminger




(919) 966-2998



Manning Hall - 206A

Bradley M. Hemminger


Scholarly communications, medical and bio-informatics, computer-human interfaces, digital libraries and open access/publishing/data, information visualization, augmented/virtual reality, interactive information searching, databases.


BS, Vanderbilt University
MS (Computer Science), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
PhD (Computer Science), University of Utrecht


Dr. Brad Hemminger is an Associate Professor at the UNC School of Information and Library Science (SILS) with a joint appointment in Carolina Center for Genome Sciences. He has a number of areas of research interests including digital scholarship, information seeking, information visualization, user interface design, augmented/virtual reality, digital libraries and biomedical health informatics. He has published over 85 papers, served on several international standards committees, and consulted for a number of companies in the areas of visualization and user interfaces. He serves as a reviewer for over a fifteen journals and conferences. He currently teaches scholarly communications, databases, biomedical health informatics, information visualization, and data science. He is director the Informatics and Visualization Lab at UNC, part of the Interactive Information Systems Lab, and directs the Center for Research and Development of Digital Libraries. His current research interests are focused on developing new paradigms for scholarship, publishing, information seeking and use by academics in this digital age.


​INLS 541 – Information Visualization
INLS 623 – Database II
INLS 700 – Scholarly Communications
INLS 706 – Bioinformatics Research Review
INLS 781 – Proposal Development
BCB 712 – Information Science for Bioinformatics


2005– American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Certificate of Appreciation for Enhancing Communication Opportunities
2005 – American College of Radiology (ACR) Distinguished Committee Service Award
2003 – Certificate of Merit for scientific poster in Radiology Society of North America (RSNA) 2003 conference
2000 – Honorable Mention: Best Scientific Exhibit, RSNA 2000 conference.
2000 – Invited to present to Swedish Institute for Standards on international standards for electronic image display, Stockholm.


Hemminger BM, Digital Display of Radiological Images, Ponsen & Looijen, Amsterdam Netherlands, 2001.

Pizer SM, Hemminger BM, Johnston RE, “Chapter 5: Display, Including Enhancement of Two-Dimensional Images”, Image Processing Techniques for Tumor Detection, editor Strickland RN, Marcel-Decker, New York, 2002, pp101-130.

Behlen FM, Hemminger BM, Horri SC, “Chapter 10: Displays,” SPIE Medical Imaging Handbook: PACS, editor Horri SC, Bellingham WA, SPIE, pp403-440, 2000.

Hemminger BM, Mukherji SK, “3D Visualization of the Extracranial Head and Neck,” in Modern Head and Neck Imaging, Mukherji SK, Castelijns JA (eds), Heidelberg Springer-Verlag,  1998: 193-200.

Mukherji, SK, Shelton C, Hemminger BM, Harnsberger RH, “Advances in Temporal Bone Imaging,”  Advances in Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 1997.

Niu, X., Hemminger, B. M. (2015). Analyzing the Interaction patterns in a Faceted Search Interfaces. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST). 66:6, p103-1047.

Hemminger, BM; TerMaat, J (2014), Annotating for the world: Attitudes toward sharing scholarly annotations, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST). 65, pp2278-2292.

Priem J and Hemminger BM (2012) Decoupling the scholarly journal. Front. Comput. Neurosci. 6:19. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2012.00019, (

Niu, X., Hemminger, B. M. (2012). A Study of Factors that Affect the Information Seeking Behavior of Academic Scientists. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 53:2,pp336-353, DOI: 10.1002/asi.21669.

Ramdeen S, Hemminger BM (2012),  A tale of two interfaces: How Facets affect the library catalog search experience, JASIST 63:4,pp702-715.  DOI: 10.1002/asi.21689.
