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Ericka Patillo

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Professor of Practice - Open to taking new doctoral students

Ericka Patillo


(919) 962-8366



Manning Hall - 111

Ericka Patillo


Academic libraries; Library management and administration; Organizational behavior and culture; LIS education; Music librarianship.


BA, Music History, Old Dominion University
MSLS, UNC-Chapel Hill
PhD, UNC-Chapel Hill


Dr. Ericka J. Patillo has been a library leader in the higher education arena for more than 20 years. She has been a music librarian; a public services manager; a senior level administrator; and a teacher, adviser, and researcher. Her research includes examinations of the academic library middle manager role and the impact of role conflict and role ambiguity. She honors her ancestors and their ways of knowing while working to co-create an academic library culture that is inclusive, collaborative, and authentic.


INLS 151: Retrieving and Analyzing Information
INLS 513: Resource Selection and Evaluation
INLS 551: History of Libraries
INLS 585: Management for Information Professionals
INLS 746: Music Librarianship
INLS 782: Library Assessment


Beta Phi Mu
Chancellor’s Doctoral Candidacy Award
Fellow, National Science Foundation, Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate, 2008 – 2009
Phi Kappa Phi


Ahmed, S., Clemens, R., Murillo, A., Patillo, E. (2022). “Does it matter: Have BLM protests opened spaces for collective action inLAMs?” In “Library and Information Studies and the Mattering of Black Lives,” eds Noble, S., Caswell, M., Sutherland, T., and Roberts, S. Special Issue (Vol. 4), Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies.

Fisher, Z., Krueger, S., Malamud, R. G. and Patillo, E. What It Means to Be Out: Queer, Trans, and Gender Non-Conforming Identities in Library Work In Baer, A., Cahoy, E., and Schroeder, R. (Eds.) (2019). Libraries Promoting Reflective Dialogue in a Time of Political Polarization. ACRL Publications: Chicago.

Patillo, EJ, Moran, BB and Morgan, JC (2009). “The Job Itself: The Effects of Functional Units on Work Autonomy among Public and Academic Librarians.” Library Trends, 58(2), Fall 2009, pp. 276-290.