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Jaime Arguello

Professor - Open to taking new doctoral students

Jaime Arguello




(919) 962-2926



Manning Hall - 10

Jaime Arguello


Information retrieval, aggregated search systems and evaluation, search behavior, text data mining, machine learning, task-based search, search assistance.


BS (Electrical Engineering), Washington University
MS (Language Technologies and Information Systems Management), Carnegie Mellon University
PhD (Language Technologies), Carnegie Mellon University


Dr. Jaime Arguello, Professor at the UNC School of Information and Library Science (SILS), teaches courses and conducts research in the areas of information retrieval, data mining, and machine learning. His main area of research is aggregated search, where the goal is to develop search systems that integrate results from multiple independent sources. He develops algorithms and evaluation methodologies for deciding which sources to select and how to display them. His most recent research studies how users interact with aggregated search displays and how differences in display affect users’ expectations and behaviors. He received a 2015 NSF CAREER Award for a five-year project titled “Making Aggregated Search Results More Effective and Useful.”

Dr. Arguello’s second main area of research focuses on search assistance, where the goal is to develop interactions to help search engine users working on complex tasks. This research aims to understand when and how people employ search assistance. The ultimate goal is to develop systems that automatically provide assistance at the right times and in the appropriate ways. In 2017, Dr. Arguello and SILS Associate Professor Robert Capra received an NSF grant worth nearly $500,000 to develop and evaluate systems that will automatically display relevant search trails as a form of search assistance to users.

Dr. Arguello holds a PhD in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University and publishes regularly at information retrieval venues such as SIGIR, ECIR, CIKM, and IIIX.



INLS 509: Information Retrieval
INLS 613: Text Data Mining
INLS 890: Experimental Information Retrieval


Best Paper Award, ECIR 2017
Distinguished Teaching Award for Post-Baccalaureate Instruction, UNC-Chapel Hill 2017
Best Meta-Reviewer Award, ECIR 2015
Best Paper Award, IIIX 2014
Deborah Barreau Award for Teaching Excellence, UNC SILS 2014
UNC-IBM Junior Faculty Development Award (Funds: $7,500), UNC 2013
Best Poster Award, IIIX 20012
Best Student Paper Award, ECIR 2011
Best Paper Award, SIGIR 2009
Yahoo! Key Scientific Challenges Award, 2009
Best Paper Award Nomination, ICWSM 2008


Jaime Arguello, Adam Ferguson, Emery Fine, Bhaskar Mitra, Hamed Zamani, and Fernando Diaz. Tip of the Tongue Known-Item Retrieval: A Case Study in Movie Identification. Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR’21), 2021.

Bogeum Choi, Jaime Arguello, and Robert Capra. OrgBox: A Knowledge Representation Tool to Support Complex Search Tasks. Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR’21), 2021.

Rachel Stemerman, Jaime Arguello, Jane Brice, Ashok Krishnamurthy, Mary Houston, and Rebecca Kitzmiller. Identification of Social Determinants of Health using Multi-Label Slassification of Electronic Health Record Clinical NotesJAMIA open. Oxford University Press. 2021.

Jiaming Qu, Jaime Arguello, and Yue Wang. A Deep Analysis of an Explainable Retrieval Model for Precision Medicine Literature SearchProceedings of the 43rd European Conference in Information Retrieval (ECIR’21), 2021.

Heather L. O’Brien, Jaime Arguello, and Robert Capra. An Empirical Study of Interest, Task Complexity, and Search Behaviour on User EngagementInformation Processing & Management. 57(3). ScienceDirect. 2020.

Jaime Arguello and Robert Capra. Sources of Evidence for Interactive Table CompletionProceedings of the 5th ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR’20), 2020.

Bogeum Choi and Jaime ArguelloQualitative Analysis of the Effects of Task Complexity on the Functional Role of InformationProceedings of the 5th ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR’20), 2020.

Ashley C Griffin, Zhaopeng Xing, Saif Khairat, Yue Wang, Stacy Bailey, Jaime Arguello, and Arlene E Chung. Conversational Agents for Chronic Disease Self-Management: A Systematic ReviewAnnual Symposium Proceedings (AMIA’20). 2020.

Kelsey Urgo, Jaime Arguello, and Robert Capra. The Effects of Learning Objectives on Searchers’ Perceptions and BehaviorsProceedings of the 2020 ACM SIGIR International Conference on Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR’20), 2020.
