Blyth, D. Jarrahi, M.H. Lutz, C. and Newlands, G. (2024) “Self-branding Strategies of Online Freelancers on Upwork,” New Media & Society, 26(7), 4008-4033.
Jarrahi, M.H. Monahan, K. and Leonardi, P. (2023) “What Will Working with AI Really Require?” Harvard Business Review (digital). June 08, 2023.
Jarrahi, M.H. Memariani, A. and Guha, S. (2023) “The Principles of Data-Centric AI (DCAI),” The Communications of the ACM, 66 (8), 84-92.
Jarrahi, M.H. Möhlmann, M. and Lee, M.K. (2023) “Algorithmic Management: The role of AI in Managing Workforces,” MIT Sloan Management Review (digital), April 05, 2023.
Jarrahi, M.H. Lutz, C. Boyd, K. Østerlund, C. and Willis, M. (2023) “Artificial Intelligence in the Work Context (editorial),” Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 74 (3), 303–310.
Jarrahi, M.H. Askay, D. Brown, A. Eshraghi, A. and Smith, P. (2023) “Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management: A Partnership Between Human and AI,” Business Horizons. 66 (1), 87-99.
Jarrahi, M.H. Kenyon, S. Brown, A. Donahue, C. and Wicher, C. (2023) “Artificial Intelligence: A Strategy to Harness its Power Through Organizational Learning,” Journal of Business Strategy. 44 (3), 126-135.
Jarrahi, M.H. Lutz, C. and Newlands, G. (2022) “Artificial Intelligence, Human Intelligence and Hybrid Intelligence based on Mutual Augmentation,” Big Data & Society, 9(2).
Algorithmic Management in a Work Context. Jarrahi, M.H. Newlands, G. Lee, M.K. Wolf, C. Kinder, E. and Sutherland, W. (2021). Big Data and Society.
An integrative framework of information as both objective and subjective. Jarrahi, M.H. Ma, Y. and Goray, C. (2021). Journal of Information Science.
Digital Diaries as a Research Method for Capturing Practices In Situ. Jarrahi, M.H. Goray, C. Zirker, S. and Zhang, Y. Book Chapter. Research Methods for Digital Work and Organization: Investigating Distributed, Multi-Modal, and Mobile Work, edited by Katrina Prichard and Christine Hine. Oxford University Press, (2021).
Flexible Work and Personal Digital Infrastructures. Jarrahi, M.H. Newlands, G. Butler, B. Savage, S. Lutz, C. Dunn, M. and Sawyer, S. (2021). Communications of the ACM
Personal Knowledge Management and Enactment of Personal Knowledge Infrastructures as Shadow IT. Jarrahi, M.H. Reynolds, R. and Eshraghi, A. (2021). Information and Learning Sciences
Nomadic work and Location Independence: The Role of Space in Shaping the Work of Digital Nomads. Nash, C. Jarrahi, M.H. and Sutherland, W. (2021). Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies
Artificial Intelligence and the World of Work, a Co‐Constitutive Relationship. Østerlund, C. Jarrahi, M.H. Willis, M. Boyd, K. and Wolf, C. (2021). Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
The New Reality of Reproducibility: The Role of Data Work in Scientific Research. Feinberg, M. Sutherland, W. Nelson, S.B. Jarrahi, M.H. and Rajasekar, A. (2020). Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
Improving Patient Engagement by Fostering the Sharing of Activity Tracker Data with Providers: A Qualitative Study. Shin, G. Feng, Y. Gafinowitz, N. and Jarrahi, M.H. (2020). Health Information and Libraries Journal
Work Precarity and Gig Literacies in Online Freelancing. Sutherland, W. Jarrahi, M.H. Dunn, M. and Nelson, S.B. (2020). Work, Employment and Society
Platformic Management, Boundary Resources, and Worker Autonomy in Gig Work. Jarrahi, M.H. Sutherland, W. Nelson, S.B. and Sawyer, S. (2020). Computer Supported Cooperative Work (JCSCW)
Digital nomads, Coworking, and Other Expressions of Mobile Work on Twitter. Hemsley, J. Ericson, I. Jarrahi, M.H. and Karami, A. (2020).First Monday
Digital Natives vs. Digital Immigrants: A Multidimensional View on Interaction with Social Technologies in Organizations. Jarrahi, M.H. and Eshraghi, A. (2020). Journal of Enterprise Information Management
The Mobilities of Digital Work: The Case of Digital Nomadism. Schlagwein, D. and Jarrahi, M.H. (2019). European Conference on Information Systems
In the Age of the Smart Artificial Intelligence: AI’s Dual Capacities for Automating and Informating Work. Jarrahi, M.H. (2019). Business Information Review
Gig Platforms, Tensions, Alliances and Ecosystems: An Actor-Network Perspective. Kinder, E. Jarrahi, M.H. and Sutherland, W. (2019). Proceedings of the ACM Human-Computer. Interact. 3
Networks of Innovation: The Sociotechnical Assemblage of Tabletop Computing. Jarrahi, M.H. and Sawyer, S. (2019). Research Policy: X Volume 1, 100001
Algorithmic Management and Algorithmic Competencies: Understanding and Appropriating Algorithms in Gig Work. Jarrahi, M.H. and Sutherland, W (2019). International Conference on Information (iConference 2019), Washington D.C. 31 March – 3 April
Infrastructural Competence. Sawyer, S. and Erickson, E. and Jarrahi, M.H. Book chapter. Digital STS Handbook, edited by Janet Vertesi and Steve Jackson. Princeton University Press, (2019).
Wearable Activity Trackers, Accuracy, Adoption, Acceptance and Health Impact: A Systematic Literature Review. Shin, G. Jarrahi, M.H. Yu, F. Karami, A. Gafinowitz, N. Byun, A. and Lu, X. (2019). Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 93 (May 2019)
Personalization of Knowledge, Personal Knowledge Ecology, and Digital Nomadism. Jarrahi, M.H. Phillips, G. Sutherland, W. Sawyer, S. and Erickson I. (2019). Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 70 (4)
Beyond Novelty Effect: A Mixed-Methods Exploration into the Motivation for Long-Term Activity Tracker Use. Shin, G. Feng, Y. Jarrahi, M.H. and Gafinowitz, N. (2019).