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Cal Lee discusses editorial goals for ‘American Archivist’ on archives-themed podcast

Cal Lee, Professor at UNC School of Information and Library Science (SILS) and editor of American Archivist, recently talked with the Archives in Context podcast, sharing his vision for the journal, advice for peer-reviewed journal writing, and strategies to get involved in professional associations.

Lee says he wants to encourage submissions and reach out to people who are active in the profession but may not have been represented in the journal. He emphasizes that the journal is meant for the whole profession and not just for a specific group or institution.

“The scope is wider than just what somebody might initially think of as an archivist,” he said. “So much of our work is interdisciplinary and collaborative that we really want people outside of just very traditional profession to be contributing to the literature. American doesn’t just suggest that it’s only an American journal; things from other countries are very much encouraged.”

Archives in Context is a podcast about archives and the people behind them. Cosponsored by the Publications Board and American Archivist Editorial Board of the Society of American Archivists (SAA), the podcast is hosted by Bethany Anderson, Ashley Levine, Nicole Milano, and Colleen McFarland Rademaker.

Click here to listen to the full podcast. The podcast is free but does require iTunes to listen.