Casey H. Rawson
Teaching Assistant Professor, MSLS Program Coordinator, UNC School of Information and Library Science
Teacher-librarian collaboration in STEM content areas, LIS education, and equity and inclusion in youth services librarianship.
BS, Duke University
MAT, University of Louisville
MS (Library Science), UNC School of Information and Library Science
PhD (Information and Library Science), UNC School of Information and Library Science
Dr. Casey Rawson is a Teaching Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the Master of Science in Library Science (MSLS) degree program at the UNC School of Information and Library Science (SILS).
She was a post-doctoral research associate and co-principal investigator for Project READY, an Institute of Museum and Library Services-funded program that created a professional development curriculum for school librarians and their collaborative partners focused on racial equity and culturally sustaining pedagogy.
She has also been an adjunct instructor at SILS and at Old Dominion University, teaching online and face-to-face courses in research methods, youth and technology, and instruction and pedagogy for school and public librarians.
Before coming to SILS for the MSLS program, she taught middle school science in North Carolina and Kentucky, and earned a Master of Arts in Teaching degree from the University of Louisville. She earned her MSLS from SILS in 2011 and completed her PhD at SILS in 2016.