People Directory

Eliscia Kinder
PhD Student
Expertise and Interests: Archives; Digital humanities; Records advocacy; Irish studies

Daniel Kreiss
Professor, UNC School of Information and Library Science and Edgar Thomas Cato Distinguished Professor, UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media
Expertise and Interests: Information interaction and retrieval

Elliott Kuecker
Teaching Assistant Professor
Expertise and Interests: Archives and record management, Qualitative research, Critical theory

Christopher (Cal) Lee
Professor - Open to taking new doctoral students
Expertise and Interests: Archives, digital preservation, digital forensics, electronic records management.

Christopher Lenhardt
PhD Student
Expertise and Interests: sociotechnical studies, digital curation, human dimensions of global change

Benjamin Levine
Assistant Director of Undergraduate Advising and Programs
Expertise and Interests: Undergraduate admissions, academic advising, enrollment, and administrative matters

Lan Li
PhD Student
Expertise and Interests: Human-computer interaction, social studies of technology

Robert Manzo
PhD Student
Expertise and Interests: Disability Studies, Rhetoric, Queer Theory, Social Epistemology, Hermeneutics, Post-Development/Decolonial Studies

Gary Marchionini
Cary C. Boshamer Distinguished Professor - Not taking new doctoral students
Expertise and Interests: Information interaction, human-computer interaction, human-centered computing, information retrieval, digital libraries, information architecture, digital government, cyberspace identity, information policy.

Lukasz Mazur
Professor, UNC SILS &UNC School of Medicine; Director, Division of Healthcare Engineering-Office of Quality Excellence - Not taking new doctoral students
Expertise and Interests: Healthcare engineering management, continuous quality improvement, patient safety, workload, human performance, human factors, simulation-based training.

Marijel (Maggie) Melo
Professor - Open to taking new doctoral students
Expertise and Interests: Innovation, critical maker culture, and the development of equitable and inclusive collaborative learning spaces (e.g. makerspaces) in academic libraries.