People Directory
Marijel (Maggie) Melo
Professor, UNC School of Information and Library Science
Expertise and Interests: Innovation, critical maker culture, and the development of equitable and inclusive collaborative learning spaces (e.g. makerspaces) in academic libraries.
Prithima Reddy Mosaly
Post-Doc Research Associate of Carolina Health Informatics Program (CHIP)
Expertise and Interests: Human Factors Engineering.
Narayanamoorthy Nanditha
Post-Doc Research Associate of Center for Information, Technology, and Public Life (CITAP)
Expertise and Interests: Critical Digital Studies, Gender Studies, and Social Justice.
Joyce L. Ogburn
Professor of Practice
Expertise and Interests: Financial information, Finance and Literacy
Eleni Papadoyannis
Doctoral & Special Programs Coordinator
Expertise and Interests: Assists the following programs: PhD in Information and Library Sciences MPS in Digital Curation and Management Certificate in Applied Data Science Evidence-Based Practice course Study Abroad liaison
Ericka Patillo
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Professor of Practice, UNC School of Information and Library Science
Expertise and Interests: Academic libraries; Library management and administration; Organizational behavior and culture; LIS education; Music librarianship.
William (Willie) Payne
Assistant Professor, UNC School of Information and Library Science
Expertise and Interests: Human-computer interaction, creative computing, accessibility, STEM learning, design research, participatory design.
Griffin Powell
PhD Student
Expertise and Interests: Analog Material Digitization, Human Perceptions of Libraries, Role of Libraries in Society, Oral Histories
Arcot Rajasekar
Professor, UNC School of Information and Library Science; Chief Scientist, Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI)
Expertise and Interests: Data grids, digital libraries, persistent archives and artificial intelligence.
Casey H. Rawson
Teaching Assistant Professor, MSLS Program Coordinator, UNC School of Information and Library Science
Expertise and Interests: Teacher-librarian collaboration in STEM content areas, LIS education, and equity and inclusion in youth services librarianship.